Seniors' Support Team
Australian Esperanto Association
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Our aim is to promote Esperanto to Seniors and those who care for them.

Seniors are a group who have time for social things and who can benefit from an opportunity to learn a new skill.

Some things this team might do:
1. Establish a Seniors’ “InfoTech” Program
2. Apply for funding to implement it.
3. Support volunteers who wish to assist with the program.
4. Create a friendly and positive environment for all participants.

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Department of Ageing, Disability & Home Care (DADHC) is seeking the services of organisations with experience and practical strategies to assist with the training of older people in the use and application of information technology.
The Seniors and Informational Technology Grants Program forms a key part of the NSW Government’s Seniors Online Strategy. The Strategy promotes the benefits of seniors using computers and the Internet and works towards removing the barriers which stop older people accessing information technology.
The Department is seeking proposals from organisations within NSW that can provide information technology access and training services for older people. The Department will give priority funding to funding applications:

  • From areas of the state where IT access and training for seniors is limited or has been difficult to implement
  • Which focus on assisting specific groups of older people to take up new technologies, for example, older people on low incomes, isolated older people; people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds; frail older people; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People.
Further information including a copy of the EOI Guidelines is available from the Department’s web site at: